This guide will walk you through setting up the Terra SDK in your iOS mobile app! The required steps are:

  1. SDK Installation
  2. Initialise the SDK
  3. Connect to a provider
  4. Get data from the provider



The Terra iOS SDK allows you to access data from Apple Health, and also scan data from Freestyle Libre sensors using NFC.

If you do not need to access any of these two providers, there is no need to use this SDK! If you need to access Terra's web API, it is more secure to do so from your server backend and send the desired data to your mobile frontend.

SDK Installation

The iOS SDK allows you to seamlessly send data from iOS to your backend or to your app directly! It supports iOS 13.0+ and is written in Swift 5.7.

Add the SDK to your app and configure

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Add the TerraiOS SDK to your Package Dependencies
    Go to the main app folder > click on the icon below PROJECT in the sidebar > click on the Package Dependencies tab > click on the + button at the bottom of the Packages table.

In the search bar of the Swift Package Manager popup that appears, search for It is recommended to set the Dependency Rule to Up to Next Minor Version. To find the version of the most recent release, view the TerraiOS GitHub Repo.

  1. Add Background Modes and HealthKit Entitlements
    Go to the main app folder > click on the icon below TARGETS in the sidebar > click on the Signing & Capabilities tab > click on + Capability > search for and add the HealthKit capability and enable the Background Delivery additional configuration. Also add the capability Background Modes and enable the Background Processing configuration.
  2. Add Privacy Purpose Descriptions
    The SDK uses HealthKit to fetch data from Apple Health, and the user will need to give explicit permission to the app to allow this on the app's first launch. You can customise the message that the user sees when permission is requested. This should describe how you will be using their health data. Go to the main app folder > click on the icon below TARGETS in the sidebar > click on the Info tab > under Custom iOS Target Properties hover over any key and click the + button > add the key Privacy - Health Share Usage Description and set its value. This must be more than 2 words long.
  3. Add Background task identifier
    The SDK uses background tasks to fetch new Apple Health data when the app is not running. In the same Info tab as above, add the key Permitted background task scheduler identifiers as an array and add the element

Setting up the SDK

First, initiate the TerraManager class within your ContentView file. devId is found at Dashboard > API > Customise > Developer ID

  • referenceId is your user's ID within your app
  • completion callback should awaited
Terra(devId: String,
      referenceId: String,
      completion: @escaping (TerraManager?, TerraError?) -> Void)

You will need to initialise this class every time your app comes up from terminated or stopped state. It sets up all the previous connections that has been initialised.

For example:

import TerraiOS

var terra: TerraManager
Terra.instance(devId: "YOUR DEV ID", referenceId: "REFERENCE ID"){manager, error in
	terra = manager 

Second, get an auth token by requesting one from the Terra endpoint with your devId and apiKey, found on the Terra Dashboard. endpoint:

  • Your headers are dev-id and x-api-key. Here are a few sample requests.
# this code runs on your backend

import requests

headers = {
  "dev-id": "DEV-ID",
  "x-api-key": "API-KEY"

response ="",

// this code runs on your backend

import fetch from 'node-fetch'

const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'dev-id': 'DEV-ID',
    'x-api-key': 'API-KEY'

fetch('', options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

We can now connect to providers and get data from them.

Connecting to Apple Health and Freestyle Libre


Currently only Libre 1, Pro/H and Libre 2 (UK) are supported!

Libre 2 US and Libre14Days US are not supported currently.

To initiate the connection with Apple Health or Freestyle Libre, run initConnection using an SDK auth token. You can run this function twice to connect with both. Connections takes .APPLE_HEALTH or .FREESTYLE_LIBRE depending on which provider you would like to connect to

  • token is generated and passed to the mobile device from your backend
  • customPermissions defaults to an empty set. If you want to make a more granular permissions request, you may send us a set of CustomPermissions.
  • schedulerOn: defaults the Background Delivery option to true. This will make Terra send new data from the provider to your webhook automatically
  • completion: callback with a boolean dictating if the connection succeeds
terra.initConnection(type: Connections, 
                     token: String, 
                     customReadTypes: Set<CustomPermissions>, 
                     schedulerOn: Bool, 
                     completion: @escaping (Bool, TerraError?) -> Void))


Webviews & HealthKit permissions screen

HealthKit implements the permissions popup as a webview itself.

If your app is based on a webview, you will thus need to interrupt this webview, call initConnection, then upon completion re-open your own webview.

Finally, add the function Terra.setUpBackgroundDelivery() to your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function. This starts the background delivery health data.

import UIKit
import TerraiOS
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    func application(
      _ application: UIApplication, 
      didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
    ) -> Bool {
        return true

For Freestyle Libre

There are some additional steps needed. Checkout the Freestyle Libre Guide for more information.

Test Authentication

To ensure a connection is still valid, use the terra.getUserid() method. This function is synchronous and returns the user_id right away or nil if none exists. You should use this method to check occasionally check the connection.

terra.getUserId(type: Connections) -> String?

To deauthenticate this user, you will need to call the deauthenticateUser endpoint of the Terra Web API with the user_id. It is recommended to do this from your server backend, so as not to store your apiKey on the mobile app.

Getting Data

You can now access data from Apple Health! If you initialised the connection with schedulerOn as true, Terra will automatically send new data from the app to your webhook. This will happen even if the app has been force quit. The rate at which new data is sent to your webhook is controlled by the OS of the mobile device and may vary.

You can also backfill for historical data using one of the many getter functions. You may set toWebhook to false if you wish for the callback function to return the data payload.

terra.getDaily(type: Connections.APPLE_HEALTH, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, toWebhook: false) {
  succ, payload, err in
    if succ {
      if let d = payload {
      } else {
        print("failed to unpack payload")
    } else {
      print("get failed")

The other data functions would be : getDaily, getActivity, getSleep, getNutrition. These functions use the same arguments as the getBody function and all of them return a callback with their own data models. The data models are objects that have fields which are exactly the same as we the ones given by our Data Models

Congratulations! You have received the end of this guide. Checkout the iOS SDK reference for more details about any of the functions used in this guide.