iOS (Swift)

Once you've started receiving data from a device into your app, you can start sending this data to Terra's websocket server (the broker).

This will later allow you to receive it on your backend, and process it as per your requirements.


Before following the steps below, make sure you've followed the guide to stream data from a wearable device to your app

Setting up a connection

You'll have previously set up a stream between a wearable device and your app using the startRealTime function. In order to to send this data back to the broker, you'll simply use a variant of the startRealTime function

import TerraRT

// Example function to start real-time data streaming, stop it, and disconnect
func manageRealtimeData() {
    let connectionType: TerraRTiOS.Connections = .BLE  // Replace with your connection type (e.g., BLE)
    let dataTypes: Set<TerraRTiOS.DataTypes> = [.heartRate, .steps]  // Replace with desired data types to stream
    let token = "yourAuthToken"  // Replace with your actual token, fetched from your backend

    // Start real-time data streaming
    terraRT.startRealtime(type: connectionType, dataType: dataTypes, token: token, callback: { update in
        handleUpdate(update: update)
    }, connectionCallback: { success in
        if success {
            print("Real-time connection successfully established")
        } else {
            print("Failed to establish real-time connection")
    // Stop the real-time streaming after some action or condition
    // Example: stopping after a delay (5 seconds here, for demonstration)
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
        terraRT.stopRealtime(type: connectionType)
        print("Real-time streaming stopped.")

    // Optionally, disconnect after stopping the real-time data stream
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 7) {
        terraRT.disconnect(type: connectionType)
        print("Disconnected from connection.")

// Function to handle updates from the real-time data stream
func handleUpdate(update: TerraRTiOS.Update) {
    // Process the real-time data update here
    print("Received update at timestamp: \(update.ts)")
    print("Update type: \(update.type)")
    if let value = update.val {
        print("Value: \(value)")
    if let dataArray = update.d {
        print("Array of data values: \(dataArray)")

// Call the function to start the real-time data management process

Simply passing in a token from the following endpoint will allow you to stream the same data you were reading previously within your app, and have it sent to the broker

Last updated

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