You'll have previously set up a stream between a wearable device and your app using the startRealTime function. In order to to send this data back to the broker, you'll simply use a variant of the startRealTime function
import TerraRT
// Example function to start real-time data streaming, stop it, and disconnect
func manageRealtimeData() {
let connectionType: TerraRTiOS.Connections = .BLE // Replace with your connection type (e.g., BLE)
let dataTypes: Set<TerraRTiOS.DataTypes> = [.heartRate, .steps] // Replace with desired data types to stream
let token = "yourAuthToken" // Replace with your actual token, fetched from your backend
// Start real-time data streaming
terraRT.startRealtime(type: connectionType, dataType: dataTypes, token: token, callback: { update in
handleUpdate(update: update)
}, connectionCallback: { success in
if success {
print("Real-time connection successfully established")
} else {
print("Failed to establish real-time connection")
// Stop the real-time streaming after some action or condition
// Example: stopping after a delay (5 seconds here, for demonstration)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
terraRT.stopRealtime(type: connectionType)
print("Real-time streaming stopped.")
// Optionally, disconnect after stopping the real-time data stream
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 7) {
terraRT.disconnect(type: connectionType)
print("Disconnected from connection.")
// Function to handle updates from the real-time data stream
func handleUpdate(update: TerraRTiOS.Update) {
// Process the real-time data update here
print("Received update at timestamp: \(update.ts)")
print("Update type: \(update.type)")
if let value = update.val {
print("Value: \(value)")
if let dataArray = update.d {
print("Array of data values: \(dataArray)")
// Call the function to start the real-time data management process
Simply passing in a token from the following endpoint will allow you to stream the same data you were reading previously within your app, and have it sent to the broker