Python client
Install the package using pip:
pip install terra-python
You can now import the Terra class from terra.base_client
from terra.base_client import Terra
Initialise the Terra Object
The first step is to initialise the Terra object using your api_key, dev_id and your signing secret that can be found in:
parameter | description | type |
api_key | Your terra API key. You can find it in your terra dashboard (see Customize API settings) | str |
dev_id | Your terra developer ID. You can find it in your terra dashboard (see Customize API settings) | str |
secret | The signing secret for webhooks. You can find it in your terra dashboard (see Customize API settings) | str |
terra = Terra(api_key='YOUR API KEY', dev_id='YOUR DEV ID', secret="YOUR TERRA SECRET")
You can now access most of the endpoints offered by the Terra API!
Listing Providers
You access the list of providers using the following method:
api_response = terra.list_providers()
Get the parsed response:
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
The parsed object will be a ProvidersResponse object:
ProvidersResponse(status: str, providers: List[str])
User Authentication
Using the terra object you just initialised, you can call the 'generate_authentication_url' method which will return a TerraApiResponse object.
parameter | description | type |
resource | The provider you want to authenticate your user with, for example: garmin, polar... | str |
auth_success_redirect_url | URL to redirect to upon successful authentication | str |
auth_failure_redirect_url | URL to redirect to upon unsuccessful authentication | str |
reference_id | ID of a user in your app, which will be returned at the end of a successful authentication | str |
api_response = terra.generate_authentication_url(resource="provider", auth_success_redirect_url="https://success.url", auth_failure_redirect_url="https://failure.url", reference_id="ID of the user in your project")
You can get the JSON representation of the reponse:
json_api_resposne = api_response.get_json()
Or the parsed representation:
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
The parsed Rest Authentication object is UserAuthUrl:
UserAuthUrl(status: str, expires_in: int, auth_url: str, user_id: str)
Using the terra object you just initialised, you can call the 'generate_widget_session' method which will return a TerraApiResponse object.
parameter | description | type |
providers | A list of the names of the providers to display on widget wearable selection screen. Leaving it empty will show all providers. | List of str |
auth_success_redirect_url | URL to redirect to upon successful authentication | str |
auth_failure_redirect_url | URL to redirect to upon unsuccessful authentication | str |
reference_id | ID of a user in your app, which will be returned at the end of a successful authentication | str |
language | The language to display widget in | str |
Generating a widget session for only some providers:
api_response = terra.generate_widget_session(providers=["provider1", "provider2"], auth_success_redirect_url="https://success.url", auth_failure_redirect_url="https://failure.url", reference_id="ID of the user in your project",language="en")
Generating a widget session for all providers:
api_response = terra.generate_widget_session(providers=[], auth_success_redirect_url="https://success.url", auth_failure_redirect_url="https://failure.url", reference_id="ID of the user in your project",language="en")
You can get the JSON representation of the response:
json_api_resposne = api_response.get_json()
Or the parsed representation:
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
The parsed Widget Authentication object is WidgetSession:
WidgetSession(expires_in: int, status: str, session_id: str, url: str)
The User Object
The user object can be created from the user_id using the following method:
terra_user = terra.from_user_id(user_id='ID OF THE USER')
The User object definition is the following:
User(user_id: str, provider: str, last_webhook_update: str)
List Subscribed Users
You access the list of users using the following method:
api_response = terra.list_users()
Get the parsed response object, which will be a SubscribedUsers object:
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
SubscribedUsers(users: List[User])
You can access each user using the following loop:
for terra_user in parsed_api_response.users:
#do something
Getting Data
You can request any type of data using the User object, using the following methods:
- get_activity
- get_body
- get_nutrition
- get_daily
- get_sleep
- get_athlete
- get_menstruation
parameter | description | type |
start_date | Datetime object for which to fetch data | datetime.datetime |
end_date | Optional end_date for which to fetch data - if not set, will default to start_date + 24h according to current API specifications | datetime.datetime |
to_webhook | Whether to send data to registered webhook URL or return as a response body | bool |
api_response = terra_user.get_activity(start_date= datetime.strptime('2022-07-29','%Y-%m-%d'), to_webhook = False )
You can get the JSON representation of the response:
json_api_resposne = api_response.get_json()
Or the parsed representation:
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
The parsed object will be one of the following:
DataReturned(user: User, type: str, data: List[TerraDataModel])
NoDataReturned(user: User, status: str, message: str)
SentToWebhook(status: str, message: str)
The TerraDataModel objects can be found here:
Parsing Terra webhooks has never been easier! You can setup an endpoint that recieves POST requests.
Using the handle_flask_webhook method:
parameter | description | type |
request | The flask.request object received by the endpoint | flask.request |
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def recieving_hooks():
api_response = terra.handle_flask_webhook(request)
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
#do something
Using the handle_webhook method:
parameter | description | type |
payload | The decoded payload of the post request recieved | str |
terra_signature_header | The terra-signature param in the header of the post request recieved | str |
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def recieving_hooks():
api_response = terra.handle_webhook(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"),request.headers["terra-signature"])
parsed_api_response = api_response.get_parsed_response()
#do something
The parsed webhooks can be of multiple types:
DataReturned(user: User, type: str, data: List[TerraDataModel])
NoDataReturned(user: User, status: str, message: str)
AccessRevokedHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
AuthHookResponse(reference_id: str, user: User, widget_session_id: str)
UserReauthHookResponse(old_user: User, new_user: User, message: str)
UserDeauthHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
ConnectionErrorHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
GoogleNoDataSourceHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
RequestProcessingHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
RequestCompletedHookResponse(user: User, message: str)
Updated over 1 year ago