Ruby client


Work In Progress

The information in this page is up-to-date and accurate, but it will soon be standardised to fit the style of the rest of the documentation. If you have any feedback about the documentation or require support, please contact us on Discord or send an email to [email protected]

Terra Ruby Client Library

This is the official Terra Ruby client library. It is provided to you so that you can get integrated with Terra faster!

This package includes:

  • Authentication endpoints
  • De-Authentication endpoints
  • Data getters (Daily, Sleep, Body, etc.)
  • Basic Information (List of providers, information of the user, etc.)
  • Webhook parsing


The installation is easily done in one line:

gem install tryterra-client

You may now import the library as:

require 'Terra'


Start off by creating a Terra client with your dev-id and X-API-Key:

    terra =, YOUR_API_KEY)
rescue TerraError => e
    # Handle errors here

Using the Terra client, you can access all of the instance methods.

Authentication Endpoints:

  • generate_widget_session( reference_id:string, providers:array_of_string, language:string, auth_success_redirect_url:string, auth_failure_redirect_url:string )

De-Authentication Endpoints:

  • deauthUser(user_id:string)

Data Getters:

  • get_activity( user_id:string, start_date:date, end_date:date_optional, to_webhook:boolean_optional )
  • get_daily( user_id:string, start_date:date, end_date:date_optional, to_webhook:boolean_optional )
  • get_body( user_id:string, start_date:date, end_date:date_optional, to_webhook:boolean_optional )
  • get_sleep( user_id:string, start_date:date, end_date:date_optional, to_webhook:boolean_optional )
  • get_menstruation( user_id:string, start_date:date, end_date:date_optional, to_webhook:boolean_optional )
  • get_atheletes(user_id:string, to_webhook:boolean_optional)

Basic Information:

  • get_providers
  • get_subscribers
  • get_user(user_id:string)

Webhook parsing:

  • parse_webhook(payload:object, type:string, user_id:string_optional)