Getting Started

Getting Started

Setting up

Authenticate Users

Getting Data

Parsing Data

API Settings

Mobile Setup






Data Models


Unified API's goal is to simplify getting data from providers as much as possible. The flow can be summarised in three fundamental steps:

  • Authenticate: a user connects a wearable to your service
  • Receive: a webhook on your end can receive new data from the connected wearable
  • Request: a request on your end can be made to request past data from any time period

Steps to get started

Setting up the API: in this section, you will setup the different Terra functions needed to authenticate a users and receive / request data, using one of the provided libraries (python, javascript, etc...) or the Postman API reference.

Authenticating users: in this section, you will connect a user using the prebuilt widget. Alternatively, you can authenticate using the API and build your own widget.

Getting Data: in this section, you will request data from a connected wearable, as well as setup a webhook to receive data updates for new events (e.g. a new workout)

Parsing Data: in this section, you can explore in detail all the data fields and events provided by Terra

Customize API settings: in this section, you will customise various settings for your API such as the widget, your team workspace, your usage statistics, and more

Mobile Setup: if you plan to connect to one of Apple Health, Samsung Health, or Google Health Connect, this section covers how to setup Terra on your mobile application to access these integrations


Are you an experienced developer? For a quicker but less detailed guide on how to get started, checkout the quickstart guide.

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