Use Terra in just 5 minutes!
At the end of this guide you will authenticate a user and setup a webhook to receive new data when it becomes available from that user's wearable. The steps are:
- Obtain developer credentials from the dashboard
- Authenticate a user using the Terra Connect Widget
- Setup a webhook endpoint where you can receive data
- Configure Terra to send data to the endpoint
- Receive data at the endpoint!
1) Obtain dev-id and API Key
Head to the Terra dashboard. Under Connections, you will find your API Key and Dev ID in the bottom right corner in the API Credentials Popup. They are used in virtually every interaction with the API - keep them safe!
2) Generate Terra Connect Widget session
The Terra Connect Widget is a convenient way to authenticate a user.
Generate a URL to a widget session by calling the generateWidgetSession endpoint.
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.tryterra.co/v2/auth/generateWidgetSession \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'dev-id: <YOUR DEV ID>' \
--header 'x-api-key: <YOUR API KEY>' \
--data '
"language": "en"
3) Setup a Webhook
Terra automatically sends new data to your webhook when it becomes available from your users' wearables.
For testing purposes, the easiest way to set up a webhook endpoint is using an online provider (for example webhook.site).
Alternatively, you can setup also POST endpoint on your backend server:
import logging
import flask
from flask import request
from terra.base_client import Terra
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("app")
terra = Terra(api_key='API-KEY', dev_id='DEV-ID', secret="SIGNING-SECRET")
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/consumeTerraWebhook", methods=["POST"])
def consume_terra_webhook() -> flask.Response:
# body_str = str(request.get_data(), 'utf-8')
body = request.get_json()
"Received webhook for user %s of type %s",
body.get("user", {}).get("user_id"),
verified = terra.check_terra_signature(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"), request.headers['terra-signature'])
if verified:
return flask.Response(status=200)
return flask.Response(status=403)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="localhost", port=8080)
const express = require("express");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const { default: Terra } = require("terra-api");
const terra = new Terra("API-KEY", "DEV-ID", "SIGNING-SECRET");
const app = express();
var options = {
inflate: true,
limit: "4000kb",
type: "application/json",
app.post("/consumeTerraWebhook", function (req, res) {
const data = JSON.parse(req.body);
try {
const verified = terra.checkTerraSignature(req.headers['terra-signature'], req.body);
} catch(err) {
const verified = false;
const port = 3000;
console.log("Server started on port " + port);
// See https://github.com/tryterra/sample-webhook-endpoint-java
You can then expose your server to the internet with a tool such as ngrok and start receiving payloads. If you are using ngrok, running
ngrok http {PORT_NUMBER}
will expose your server to the internet and return its URL.
3) Configure Webhook
After setting up a webhook endpoint URL, head to Terra dashboard.
Add Webhook as a destination under Connections > Destinations > Add Destinations > Webhook
Under the Host field, add your webhook URL and click Apply.
Once you've added Webhook as a destination. Terra will now send all webhook messages to the Host url inputted.
You can also find your webhook secret which will be sent with every payload, so you can verify that you are getting data from us. You can find it under Webhook >> Edit >> Signing secret.
4) Test the Webhook
You should have now successfully set up a webhook endpoint. You will now receive new data at your webhook when it becomes available.
If you do not have a physical wearable on hand to test, you can also simulate webhook updates from the Data Generator. From the dashboard, head to Tools > Generate and press the Generate test data button and then Send to Webhook. This generates some random data and sends it to your webhook.
5) Next Steps
Congratulations! You have now experienced the core functionalities of Terra's Unified API.
- If any of the above steps were unclear, checkout the detailed guides
- To connect a mobile provider (such as Apple Health, Google Fit, etc.) you will need to use a mobile SDK. Checkout the mobile setup guides
Updated 9 months ago