over 1 year ago by Alex Venetidis
API Updates
- (FreestyleLibre SDK): Improve calibration used for Libre Pro sensors
- (FreestyleLibre API): Localize timezones in metadata & adjust samples returned accordingly
SDK Updates
- (Apple): store permissions previously granted. This means that if using custom Permissions having previously authenticated a user, re-authenticating them again using initTerra will automatically pull up the same previously requested permissions
- Add Dutch language
- Fix parts of the widget not being translated correctly
- (FreestyleLibre): Fix error causing glucose samples to be repeated
- (Data generator): Fix error causing payload to be nested within "data" field
- (Concept2 Activities): Properly parse rest times between workout intervals
- (Fitbit): fix a bug where data with a future date would be sent
- (Garmin): resolve race condition upon requesting multiple large backfills for different data types