

  • Tredict
  • PÜL
  • Hammerhead Planned workout posting (beta)
  • Cronometer (new API)

API Updates

  • Freestyle Libre:
    • improve handling for rate limits being triggered
    • add appropriate error message if the user's account is in an unsupported region
  • Whoop - Unfinished cycles will now have an upload status of PENDING
  • Garmin daily & sleep: wait until all necessary payloads are received from Garmin before sending data. this prevents e.g. sleep payloads containing only HRV and nothing else from being sent


  • Wahoo activity start time: fixed a bug where Wahoo would send incorrect start times, so we instead compute it on our end
  • Resolve scopes change webhook formatting
  • Garmin activity: resolved a bug where certain activities wouldn't be able to be fetched by HTTP