
API updates


  • Oura scores now added to Daily payloads. Readiness is mapped as "Recovery"
  • Improvements in adjusted_max_speed calculation


  • HTTP-W requests to Garmin will now send an empty data payload, if no data is asyncronously sent from Garmin after a few minutes
  • Requests to webhook generated from SDK will now return reference in the SDK and the same reference will be sent as a terra-reference header in the corresponding webhook



  • Google daily http requests for less than a day will now be extended appropriately instead of erroring
  • Chunking request_processing payloads will be sent synchronously
  • Apple sleep payloads now have additional sleep metric calculations on V1 ( total_duration_inbed, total_duration_asleep, total_duration_awake, total_duration_light, total_duration_deep, total_duration_rem)
  • Resolved edge case issues in fetching hrv data for fitbit sleep
  • Stopped sending empty Withings payloads when daily had an update but the user had not performed any new workouts