TerraWearOS Library

This library should be used in conjunction with TerraRTAndroid.
It uses Bluetooth Connection to stream data to your android device and then from there streams to Terra through websockets!

It is meant to be used for WearOS Apps!


The library is on mavenCentral!

You may add it as a dependency on your app gradle file as: implementation co.tryterra:terra-wearos:0.0.2


Please include the following in your AndroidManifest

> <queries>
>         <package android:name="com.google.android.wearable.healthservices" />
> </queries>


You will need to instantiate the Terra class as follows:

terra = Terra(context: Context, streamDataSet: Set<StreamDataTypes>

Upon initiating this class, you will be prompted with permissions for Body Sensor, Location, and Activity Recognition!


  • context: Context => The app context you are calling this class from
  • streamDataSet: Set<StreamDataTypes> => The set of datatypes you wish to stream data for. Takes a set of StreamDataTypes enum.

Initialise Bluetooth Connection

To put your device in discovery mode, run

terra.startBluetoothDiscovery(callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

You may now search for this device with the TerraRTAndroid package to initialise the connection!

The callback will be called when the connection is completed with either true (successful) or false (unsuccessful).

Stream Data

You may now streaming data to your device!


You can also stop streaming by



You may also perform exercises on the device, and have the data streamed to your phone.

You will first have to prepare the exercise by:

terra.prepareExercise(type: ExerciseTypes, dataTypes: Set<DataTypes>, shouldEnableGPS: Boolean, callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

This is only for warming up sensors!!


  • type: ExerciseTypes => The type of exercise you wish to prepare for. Takes an ExerciseTypes enum.
  • dataTypes: Set<DataTypes> => The datatypes from this exercise you wish to retrieve. Takes a set of DataTypes enum
  • (Optional) shouldEnableGPS: Boolean => Default to false. Will determine if the location sensor needs to be warmed up or not ;)
  • (Optional) callback => A callback function indicating when and if the preparation of the exercise is completed and successful (RECOMMENDED)

After preparation, you may then start an exercise:

  type: ExerciseTypes,
  dataTypes: Set<DataTypes>,
  shouldEnableGPS: Boolean,
  shouldEnableAutoPauseAndResume: Boolean,


  • type: ExerciseTypes => The type of exercise you wish to prepare for. Takes an ExerciseTypes enum.
  • dataTypes: Set<DataTypes> => The datatypes from this exercise you wish to retrieve. Takes a set of DataTypes enum
  • (Optional) shouldEnableGPS: Boolean => Default to false. Allow for location data streaming
  • (Optional) shouldEnableAutoPauseAndResume: Boolean => Defaults to false. Allow for the watch to automatic pause and resume exercise.

Doing so will automatically start streaming data to your device!

There is also the capability to pause, resume, and stop the exercise:


The data will arrive in your websocket server in the following format:

      "ts": <String> (In ISOFormat Date Form)
       "val": <Double>
       "d" <Array<Double>>
    "uid": <String> (user ID)
    "seq": <Int>,
    "t": <String> (Datatype name: Exactly the same as the name of `DataTypes` enum)

ts is the timestamp of the record.

For Exercises, t will be a concatenation of the ExerciseTypes ENUM and DataTypes ENUM.
For example, if you are performing a RUNNING exercise, while streaming HEART_RATE and STEPS, two different payloads will be streamed to your websocket connection with types: RUNNING_HEART_RATE and RUNNING_STEPS