React Native

Terra initialization


function initTerra(
  devID: string,
  referenceId: string,
): Promise<SuccessMessage>

devId: string ➡ The dev-id provided to you when signing up with Terra Developer Dashboard referenceId: string ➡ A random string used to characterise a user on your server

returns Promise<SuccessMessage>

Connection setup/magement


function initConnection(
  connection: Connections,
  token: string,
  schedulerOn: boolean,
  customPermissions: CustomPermissions[] = [],
  startIntent: String | null = null
): Promise<SuccessMessage>

Initialise a device connection. This function needs to be called once only when first creating the connection.

  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • token: string ➡ A token used for authentication. Generate one here:

  • (Optional) customPermissions: Set<CustomPermissions> ➡ This is defaulted as an empty Set. If you want to make a more granular permissions request, you may send us a set of CustomPermissions

  • startIntent: String? ➡ The path to the activity you wish to display when the user scans a freestylelibre from the background (i.e "co.tryterra.terra.example.MainActivity") Only valid for Android

  • schedulerOn: Bool ➡ A boolean dictating if you wish turn on background delivery. Defaults to true. Please see Background Delivery section for setup.


  • Promise<SuccessMessage>


function getUserId(connection: Connections): Promise<GetUserId>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection get user_id for.


  • Promise<GetUserId>

Data retrieval


type DataMessage = {
  success: Boolean;
  data: Object;
  error: String | null;


function getActivity(
  connection: Connections,
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date,
  toWebhook: Boolean = true
): Promise<DataMessage>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • startDate: Date ➡ The beginning of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • endDate: Date or endDate: Long ➡ The end of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook. If false, DataMessage on the returned Promise will contain the data in the data field.


  • Promise<DataMessage>


function getDaily(
  connection: Connections,
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date,
  toWebhook: Boolean = true
): Promise<DataMessage>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • startDate: Date ➡ The beginning of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • endDate: Date or endDate: Long ➡ The end of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook. If false, DataMessage on the returned Promise will contain the data in the data field.


  • Promise<DataMessage>


function getSleep(
  connection: Connections,
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date,
  toWebhook: Boolean = true
): Promise<DataMessage>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • startDate: Date ➡ The beginning of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • endDate: Date or endDate: Long ➡ The end of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook. If false, DataMessage on the returned Promise will contain the data in the data field.


  • Promise<DataMessage>


function getNutrition(
  connection: Connections,
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date,
  toWebhook: Boolean = true
): Promise<DataMessage>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • startDate: Date ➡ The beginning of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • endDate: Date or endDate: Long ➡ The end of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp

  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook. If false, DataMessage on the returned Promise will contain the data in the data field.


  • Promise<DataMessage>


function getAthlete(
  connection: Connections,
  toWebhook: Boolean = true
): Promise<DataMessage>
  • connection: Connections ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.

  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook. If false, DataMessage on the returned Promise will contain the data in the data field.


  • Promise<DataMessage>

Writing data


Writes activity data into Apple Health

@Only available on iOS
function postActivity(
  connection: Connections,
  payload: TerraActivityPayload
): Promise<SuccessMessage>
  • connection: Connections: The connection type (Connections_) for which to post the data. For example, Connections_.APPLE to write data to Apple Health.

  • payload: TerraActivityPayload: A TerraActivityPayload object that contains the activity data you wish to post. This can include details like activity type, heart rate, distance, calories, and other metrics.


A Promise that resolves to a SuccessMessage object indicating the success of the operation or rejects with an error.

Android-only methods

Fetches permissions granted by Health connect


function grantedPermissions(): Promise<Array<String>>


  • `Promise<Array<String>>`

Last updated

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