
Class to retrieve data from Terra REST API

This class allows you to retrieve data from Terra's REST API.

Usage of this class requires an X-API-Key request to the backend which may be unsafe. Use at your own risk!


let terra: TerraClient = TerraClient(userId: String, devId: String, xAPIKey: String)

userId: String ➡ The user_id you wish to query for
devId: String ➡ Dev-id given to you upon sign up with terra on Developer Dashboard
xAPIKey: String ➡ XAPIKey given to you upon sign up with terra on Developer Dashboard

Instance Methods
Authentication - API

func authenticateUser(forResource resource: Resource, 
                      completion: @escaping (AuthenticateUserPayload) -> Void)

forResource resource: Resource ➡ The resource you wish to authenticate a user for
completion: @escaping (AuthenticateUserPayload) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Deauthenticate User

func deauthenticateUser(forUser userId: String, 
                            completion: @escaping (DeauthenticateUserPayload) -> Void)

forResource resource: Resource ➡ The resource you wish to authenticate a user for
completion: @escaping (DeauthenticateUserPayload) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Activity Data

func getActivity(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraActivityDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getActivity(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraActivityDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraActivityDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Daily Data

func getDaily(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraDailyDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getDaily(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraDailyDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraDailyDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Sleep Data

func getSleep(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraSleepDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getSleep(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraSleepDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraSleepDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Body Data

func getBody(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraBodyDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getBody(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraBodyDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraBodyDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Nutrition Data

func getNutrition(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraNutritionDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getNutrition(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraNutritionDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraNutritionDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Menstruation Data

func getMenstruation(startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraMenstruationDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

func getMenstruation(startDate: TimeInterval
                 endDate: TimeInterval,
                 toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                 completion: @escaping(TerraMenstruationDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

startDate: Date or startDate: TimeInterval ➡ The beginning time of the request
endDate: Date or endDate: TimeInterval ➡ The end time of the request
toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraMenstruationDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.

Get Athlete Data

func getAthlete(toWebhook: Bool = true, 
                completion: @escaping(TerraAthleteDataPayloadModel) -> Void)

toWebhook: Bool ➡ Determines if the data is sent to your webhook or returned here.
completion: @escaping (TerraAthleteDataPayloadModel) -> Void ➡ A completion function returning the data returned from the request.