
fun startRealtime(type: Connections, token: String, dataTypes: Set<DataTypes>, connectionCallback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

fun startRealtime(type: Connections, dataTypes: Set<DataTypes>, updateHandler: (Update) -> Unit)

fun startRealtime(type: Connections, dataTypes: Set<DataTypes>, token: String, updateHandler: (Update) -> Unit, connectionCallback: (Boolean) -> Unit)
  • connection: Connections - This argument takes a Connections enum, indicating the connection you wish to stream from
  • token: String - This argument is a token for verification of the user to connect to Terra's websocket API. You may generate one from the Generate User Token endpoint. There is a required user_id field of the API call. This can be obtained by running getUserId().
  • dataTypes: DataTypes - This argument takes a DataTypes enum indicating the datatype you wish to stream for.
  • connectionCallback: (Boolean) -> Unit: If a websocket connection is requested, this callback will be called when the connection is either successful or not.
  • updateHandler: (Update) -> Unit: This callback is called whenever new updates are available from the device