
static Future<SuccessMessage?> initConnection(
      Connection connection,
      String token,
      bool schedulerOn,
      List<CustomPermission> customPermissions)

Initialise a device connection. This function needs to be called once only.

  • Connection connection ➡ An ENUM from the Connections class signifying the connection you wish to initiate for.
  • String token ➡ A token used for authentication. Generate one here:
  • List<CustomPermissions> customPermissions ➡ This is defaulted as an empty Set. If you want to make a more granular permissions request, you may send us a set of CustomPermissions
  • bool schedulerOn ➡ A boolean dictating if you wish turn on background delivery. Defaults to true. Please see Background Delivery section for setup. On iOS, follow iOS.


  • Future<SuccessMessage>