
Getter function to retrieve nutrition data from different connections

fun getNutrition(type: Connections, 
                 startDate: Date, 
                 endDate: Date, 
                 toWebhook: Boolean = true, 
                 completion: (Boolean, TerraNutritionDataPayload?, TerraError?) -> Unit = {_, _, _ ->})
fun getNutrition(type: Connections, 
                 startDate: Long, 
                 endDate: Long, 
                 toWebhook: Boolean = true, 
                 completion: (Boolean, TerraNutritionDataPayload?, TerraError?) -> Unit = {_, _, _ ->}){
  • type: Connections ➡ The Connection to get data from
  • startDate: Date or startDate: Long ➡ The beginning of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp
  • endDate: Date or endDate: Long ➡ The end of the request in either Date or Unix Timestamp
  • toWebhook: Bool ➡ Whether or not to send data to your webhook
  • `completion: (Bool, TerraNutritionDataPayload?, TerraError?) -> Void ➡

Bool -> If the request was successful or not. If not, a TerraError instance will also be called
TerraNutritionDataPayload? -> A payload for each data type. If toWebhook is set to true, this returns a class with a property reference referring to the payload reference sent to your webhook. If toWebhook is set to false, then this returns the entire Terra normalised payload.
TerraError? -> Returned if any error occurred while retrieving data