2024 August Updates
5 months ago by Elliott Yu
Check out what we've been doing at Terra over the month of August 2024!
Backend ๐พ
- Boditrax
- Underarmour will be mapped to MapMyFitness!
- Add timezone to Hammerhead workouts
- Add device prioritisation!
- Users can now choose if they want to prioritise data from, say APPLE over FITBIT if both are connected
- Added backup computations if pace is None or 0 but speed is not
- Add Oxygen Saturation to Fitbit Sleep data
- Added Body data to Technogym Integration
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where ROUVY was not retrieving all the workouts from data past 30 days
Health Scores
- New scores!
- Immunity Index - Get notified of early signs of when your body is under the weather.
- Respiratory Health - Measures the function of the respiratory system based on changes in SpO2, respiration rate and exercise
Teams API
- Sparta Science Integration
Rewards ๐ฏ
- New product has dropped!
- System for you to provide rewards to users.
- Personalised baselines for each goal for each user
- Comprehensive goals to make sure anyone can work towards points
SDK ๐ฑ
- Update sleep aggregation algorithm in cases where sleep data synced into Apple Health from external sources causes overlapping conflicts
- Updated computing activity seconds from workouts as Active Energy is not accurate from Apple Health
- Added debug symbols to the package to make it easier to debug crash logs
- Added Basal Metabolic Energy used for workouts
Landing Page
- Updated pages for SDKs, Graphs, and Integrations!