
New Integrations (Beta)

  • Technogym
  • FinalSurge
  • TrainerRoad
  • Cardiomood
  • Moxy

API updates

  • Add type enum in OxygenSaturationSample, to differentiate between SmO2 and SpO2
  • Added deduplication support for Apple Health & samsung payloads
  • In cases where a webhook is retried, but a user has re-authenticated in the meantime, we will now update the user ID to the newest one available, or stop retries early if the user has de-authenticated during that period
  • For FreestyleLibre, the API will no longer try to infer time zone information when unavailable, and will instead return a timezone-naive object
  • Added functionality to improve polar fit file normalization & retrieval for historical periods
  • Added VO2 information to Fitbit /body information
  • Added adjusted_max_speed_meters_per_second to movement_data


Reference ID storing

After much demand, we are now allowing you to retrieve the reference_id initially provided during authentication in every TerraUser object. Additionally, the /userInfo endpoint now allows querying by reference-id, in which case it will now return a list of connected TerraUser objects for a given reference ID

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve facility_id parameter issue for InBody - now storing region appropriately
  • Adjust polar pace calculation error
  • Resolve garmin daily data being associated to the wrong day
  • Resolve facility_id parameter issue for InBody - now storing region appropriately
  • Adjust polar pace calculation error
  • Resolve garmin daily data being associated to the wrong day


  • Massively optimized retrieving webhook data & developer information
  • Allowed dashboard to automatically display newer versions of the API, beyond V2 (2022-03-16)
  • Resolved lack of clarity as to what user members of a team can or cannot access